<span></span>Hi all,<br><br>I'm thinking of submitting a proposal for an astronomy miniconf for LCA2014 and thought it might be a sensible thing to gauge interest first by polling this list. (I'm also planning a talk on Linux & open source in professional and amateur astronomy, for which I'll be submitting a separate proposal.)<br>
<br>Some of the things I'm thinking of incorporating into the miniconf are:<br><ul><li>Getting in someone prominent from the SKA (Square Kilometre Array) project to come and talk about the unique challenges and scale of what they'll need to do, and the role that Linux and open source software will play in that<br>
<li>(A) tutorial session(s) on one or more open source planetarium apps (Stellarium, Celestia, KStars)</li><li>A demo/tutorial of how to use open source apps to control amateur (optical) telescopes remotely from a laptop or tablet</li>
<li>Someone to talk about amateur radio astronomy (hopefully this would include some open source software and/or hardware - I haven't discussed this yet with people I know doing amateur radio astronomy)</li><li>Someone(s) to talk about the various HPC clusters cranking through astronomical data at various unis and/or other orgs</li>
<li>Um... other stuff... that maybe people on-list could suggest...<br></li></ul>So... is anyone interested in seeing this happen? Anyone interested in presenting/demoing/co-organising?<br><br>(I'm also thinking ahead to organising some activity/ies for an astronomy BoF, but that's kind of a separate thing.)<br>