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On Thu, 2012-04-26 at 20:14 +1000, Adam Nielsen wrote:
>> Chris has spent more than enough time - by my count 20 odd emails worth
>> - - emailing his issue in explicit detail. Sticking our heads in the sand
>> denying his perspective seems both arrogant and offensive.
> It could seem that way to you, to others, too, no doubt. On the other
> hand, there are those who hear Chris's concerns but don't share them.
> That's not arrogance, it's their perspective.
To be fair, I don't think some are able to fully see it from Chris' point of
view as they're blinded by their (understandable) high opinion of Linux. At
the risk of coming across as being patronising, I think this is a suitable, if
somewhat contrived, analogy:
Some could say same about those that want to dump the name linux.<BR>
I can see Chris's POV, but he wants us to dump the name Linux to make his life easier, this is a Linux grass roots organisation.<BR>
Would he go to Microsoft and demand they drop the name Windows ? I bet we all know the answer to that one.<BR>
If that changes, the org has, and IMHO it has no right to keep a hold of the Linux Aus name from those who would seek to re-establish LA and keep its grass roots as Linux. <BR>
If that occurs, we'll at least be able to fix up the current screwed up laggy mail server <IMG SRC="cid:1335441311.9175.33.camel@tardis" ALIGN="middle" ALT=":)" BORDER="0"><BR>