<html><head><title>ema1l broadcast</title><meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=windows-1251"><style>body{font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; text-align:center;}</style></head><body bgcolor="#CCCCCC"><font color="#ρρρρρρ">erDamVBgpuczhLLLLKX1z</font><br><br><b>Bu/1/k Email - We Send For You! - EMAIL WITH NO FEAR!</b><br>
<br>We offer to send your emails at a speed of 100's of letters per second.<br><br>
We will use our powerful broadcast software to send your message to your list using <b>our<font color="#FF0000"> </font></b>ISP and servers. <b>NO TROUBLES FOR YOU!</b><br>
Bu/1/k Email Market1ng is fast and effective, We do all the mailing for you. You just provide us with the ad!<b> It's that simple!</b><br>
<br>Your email campaign can be underway, often in <b>less than 24 <fazzy[hours.]></b><br><br><a href="mailto:reddot@front.ru?Subject=te%20ll%20plz&CC=it_tell@yahoo.co.uk">Request more information on our email sending services...</a><br><br><b>... even to compare our prices...</b><br><br>If you would rather not rece1ve any further information from us, <a href="mailto:orange_zebra@libero.it?Subject=re%20mo%20ve">please</a><br><br><font color="#ρρρρρρ">5eWZoxLLAp034bp0LHpgU</font></body></html>