[Linux-aus] GUI programming

Simon Lees sflees at suse.de
Tue May 23 04:46:54 AEST 2023

On 5/23/23 02:06, David Lloyd via linux-aus wrote:
> Hi Simon,
> On 5/21/2023 3:56 PM, Simon Lees via linux-aus wrote:
>>> What I want to do is move many of the things I do on my laptop to a 
>>> phone and
>>> that requires less use of the command-line.  So shell scripts need to be
>>> replaced with GUI operations and ssh to run commands on a server 
>>> needs to be
>>> replaced by API use or parsing ssh output for GUI display.
>> I have used Qt with android in the past, I redid the main UI with 
>> bigger buttons and with the android NDK installed was able to build 
>> and deploy it as a test app. That was a few years back I haven't tried 
>> recently.
> I forget - does Qt generally allow you to use C++ even on Android?

Yes, generally C++ Qt apps will just compile for Android, It will 
compile the C++ code to a .so file then generate some basic java to load 
it and handle the C++ -> Java interactions. Having said that if your app 
isn't designed for mobile things like the menu system don't have the 
best user interaction so you may want to make some changes.

> The "internet" seems to say it does and many have had success doing so 
> but I'm sure there'd be some random C++ library that just wouldn't work 
> on a phone, and the QT docs don't make it easy to tell whether there are 
> any gotchas and such.

If your just using Qt Libraries they all work with the exception of the 
Serial and embedded web libraries. The Qt libraries do cover alot of 
stuff, I had good success with the Websockets lib for example. As for 
3rd party libs that would depend more on if they work with the android 
ndk https://developer.android.com/ndk

Simon Lees (Simotek)                            http://simotek.net

Emergency Update Team                           keybase.io/simotek
SUSE Linux                           Adelaide Australia, UTC+10:30
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