[Linux-aus] Recent mailing list discussions

Kathy Reid kathy at kathyreid.id.au
Sun Oct 16 12:33:13 AEDT 2022

On 16/10/2022 11:32 am, Simon Lyall via linux-aus wrote:
> I am reminded of a discussion a few months ago where one of the PGSD 
> told off the rest of the list for not volunteering to help, when there 
> had been no indication that any help was needed or welcome. 

As the "teller-offerer" referenced above, I offer the following:

"There were no bids received for LCA2023."  - Russell Stuart, this list, 

Call for bids for a hybrid conference for LCA2023, April 2021 by Sae Ra 
Germaine, published to this list.

"Ways to help Linux Australia", in "What does Linux Australia do all 
year?", a presentation at LCA2022 by Sae Ra Germaine and Julien Goodwin, 
Council Members of Linux Australia 2021-2022

"We have unfortunately relied on a small pool of return volunteers to 
help run conferences, be part of sub-committees, be on Council but we 
need to  do more and we need to do better. Burnout is all too common in 
our industry and we must do our best not to add burden onto our 
volunteers giving us what precious time they have left for us. There 
will always be a component of variable capacity amongst Council and it’s 
subcommittees. We will take what we can get from people to help us but 
we need to recognise that we are human, we are volunteers, balls will be 
dropped and you know what. That is completely ok."
- President's Report by Sae Ra Germaine, Linux Australia Annual Report 
2021-2022 pp. 7-8


The "PGSD" are burning out. They've taken measures, admirably, to reduce 
that burn out, such as reshaping a hybrid conference to be manageable 
while safeguarding the community's health, and STILL deliver, with the 
best of intent, for this community. And what do they get for their 
efforts? The threads on this list that accuse of them of a lack of 
transparency. That accuse of them of betraying the values of the 
organisation they're pouring their unpaid *free* time into.

At the risk of this being branded another "telling off" - and echoing 
Matt Cengia's very wise words - if you don't like how things are run, or 
what is being done, then:

  * Stand for LA Council at the next AGM
  * Volunteer on a Subcommittee of LA Council.
  * Stand up a Subcommittee for an alternative event, and run the Event
    That You Want To See Happen.
  * Volunteer with Everything Open, when the Calls for Volunteers comes

But let's stop adding work, noise, cognitive load, and emotional labour 
to the people who are actually getting stuff done. Because these threads 
are not worthy of their time, their efforts and their energy *in 
service* of this community.

Kathy Reid

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