[Linux-aus] Membership Team - linux.org.au site wireframes - Level 0

Kathy Reid kathy at kathyreid.id.au
Thu Apr 28 07:21:56 AEST 2016

Hi everyone,

The Membership Team has progressed a little further based on the results 
of the recent survey, and we now have for comment and feedback an 
initial wireframe of the landing page (Level 0) in desktop and mobile 
view. We'd really appreciate your thoughts and feedback.

Some of the internal feedback has been;

- do we want a featured job on the home page, and what happens if there 
isn't a featured job?
- are there any elements missing which should be on the Level 0 page?

The wireframes are done in Pencil - http://pencil.evolus.vn/ - and 
originals are in a public GitHub repo - 

Your feedback will help inform wireframing of the lower level pages 
(Level 1, 2 and so on). In parallel we will continue with platform 
identification and selection.

Kind regards,

Kathy Reid, Sae Ra Germaine, Cameron Tudball, Luke John, Joel Addison,
Michael Cordover, Neill Cox
The Membership Team

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