[Linux-aus] Census data risks - retention and correlation of records
lists at ebourne.me.uk
lists at ebourne.me.uk
Tue Apr 5 17:58:25 AEST 2016
I refreshed the page and then pressed ESC while the page was reloading.
This solved the problem very easily.
Luckily the internet in Australia is so comically bad that you have
plenty of time to stop the page before the javascript is run.
[Thanks to Michael for the tip on the firefox reader mode, that is a
nice neat solution.]
On Tue, Apr 5, 2016 at 5:14 PM, Steven Pickles <thatpixguy at gmail.com>
> You can get around the paywall by disabling Javascript (not as simple
> as it used to be) or by looking at the Google cache of the article:
> http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:7DTUGCnjMVUJ:www.afr.com/news/economy/abs-slammed-for-breach-of-trust-over-intrusive-2016-census-data-matching-plan-20160309-gnebci+&cd=1&hl=en&ct=clnk&gl=au
> pix
> On 5 April 2016 at 16:46, Jonathan Woithe <jwoithe at just42.net> wrote:
>> On Tue, Apr 05, 2016 at 05:04:24PM +1000, Eyal Lebedinsky wrote:
>> > On 05/04/16 16:31, Neill Cox wrote:
>> > >Unfortunately the linked article is behind a paywall.
>> >
>> > I had no problem accessing the article. Maybe AFR decide to open
>> this
>> > door...
>> I vaguely recall reading somewhere that the Fairfax paywall
>> permitted a
>> small number of Fairfax articles (taken across all their
>> publications) to be
>> viewed within a sliding time window before the paywall kicked in.
>> This may
>> explain why some people can read the article while others can't.
>> Regards
>> jonathan
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