[Linux-aus] Linux Ahead.. no matter who gets elected

David Lyon (Hackerpads) david.lyon at hackerpads.com
Mon Jan 14 19:03:32 EST 2013

Hi all,

I'm just testing peoples opinions really. No doubt lots of people
will have their own strong convictions.

But here's some items for thought/discussion:

  - Linux has never been more prevalent

  - We've got a lot of 'International-Star-Material' people that
    go largely unnoticed in this country.

  - We hardly ever (to my knowledge) send delegations teams to other
    countries to participate in Open Source overseas.

  - We have our own Australia Distro, Puppy Linux, I got rave reviews
    and recomendations when I lived overseas. Less keen recomendations

  - A whole new era of Linux is opening up. Check out the Raspberry-Pi
    and other such machines.

I understand and know that there is a lot of all the above at the
conference but more could be done through the rest of the year.

Not all the Australian people who make an astounding contribution to 
may be closely reachable. Still, to me, the homepage of Linux Australia
should at least have an 'online hall of fame'.

That would be for the past, but there's also and interesting future
opening up before us too.


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