[Linux-aus] Education Sector - FOSS promotion

Donna Benjamin donna at cc.com.au
Wed Feb 17 22:32:52 EST 2010

I've been approached to put together an open source 'thing' for the
Australian computers in education conference in Melbourne 6-9 April

Would any of you be interested in running sessions for teachers on open
source software?  They're setting up 4 'spaces' in the trade expo - It's
primarily a BYO laptop conference - so armed with LiveCDs and OpenCDs it
might be possible to do some hands on stuff...  Do LiveCDs work on Macs?
There's a lot of Macs in this world.

Maybe we could get a hardware supplier / rental co to provide machines? 
Or could we pay computerbank and hire some machines and set up a lab?

Jacinta Richardson ran a fantastic scratch workshop for VITTA last
year... It would be great to have an OpenOffice session...
Intro to Linux? Graphics (GIMP, Inkscape, Scribus, Blender etc)
Sugar on a stick? GCompris. 

you know... the sky's the limit right?

The forum is ready and waiting for us to step up.

This is isn't just a stand at a trade show, this is an opportunity to
fill a day with open source content for teachers at a national
conference all about using ICT in education.

Seems timely. We'd need to get something together quickly.

Donna Benjamin - Executive Director
Creative Contingencies - http://cc.com.au
ph +61 3 9326 9985 - mob +61 418 310 414
open source - facilitation - web services

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