[Linux-aus] MythTV mini-conference at Linux.conf.au 2009 - Schedule

Andrew Ruthven andrew at etc.gen.nz
Fri Jan 2 10:04:40 EST 2009

MythTV Mini-conference - LCA2009

The schedule for the MythTV Mini-conference will be hosted as part of
the linux.conf.au conference in Hobart, Tasmania, Australia during
January 2009 has been published.  The talks we have are below.  The
schedule is online at:

To attend the mini-conference you need to be registered for
linux.conf.au.  There are still tickets available, but get in fast!  To
register head over to:


MythNetTV by Michael Still

MythNetTV is a RSS / Atom aggregator for MythTV, which downloads videos
via HTTP, some streaming protocols and bittorrent, and then imports them
just like other recordings into the MythTV user interface. Its currently
packaged by MythBuntu, and available from

Transcoding in MythTV by Paul Wayper

Want to understand the transcoding process in MythTV? Then this is the
talk for you!

MythTV Internals by Nigel Pearson

Threads, databases, user jobs, and 700,000 lines of code. Ask the
developer how it all works!

Debugging DTV by Steven Ellis

Find out about how well Linux supports Digital TV including device
drivesr, how to run current versions of new hardware, testing tools,
troubleshooting tips and tricks and specific issues with some devices.

MythTV development from '04 to now by Nigel Pearson

CVS to SVN, e-mail to Trac, Linux to Linux/Mac/Windows, it is not only
MythTV's features that have evolved.

Lightning Talks

A number of 5 minute lightning talks, there are still a number of slots,
if you're interested in giving a lightning talk please let me know!

Presence Awareness by Jonathan Oxer

Recently Jonathan has been working on presence-awareness for a
Linux-based home-automation system that is going to be used in the
project house for a new TV show called SuperHouse (www.superhouse.tv for
background). One thing he's experimented with is having a device linked
to a MythTV box that detects when there is a person present in front of
it, and if they move away (walk out of the room, for example) it pauses
automatically. Then if they walk back in it resumes playing.

Come along and find out more about it.


Andrew Ruthven
Wellington, New Zealand
At home: andrew at etc.gen.nz       |  This space intentionally
                                 |        left blank.
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