[Linux-aus] Open Office training in NSW

Jeff Waugh jdub at bethesignal.org
Thu May 8 02:27:06 UTC 2008

<quote who="Chris Smart">

> So you're saying that the NSW Education Dept will be shipping 205,000
> computers by the end of 2008 to the 2246 Public schools that exist.
> And that only 41,000 of these will have OpenOffice.org on them, with the
> remaining 164,000 computers being Microsoft only?

Ah, no. The article said 41,000 through 2008. I'm saying five times that
figure without specifying a timeframe (you asked about OOo, remember). I
hinted that it was a lowball figure -- best to leave it at that and wait
for real news when it surfaces. :-)

- Jeff

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