[Linux-aus] An Open Letter to the Open Source Community

gareth gareth at computerrescue.com.au
Wed May 23 13:42:54 UTC 2007

Melissa Draper wrote:
> Richard Neal wrote:

/cut: some crap

>> PS Also get thicker skin, I was the only male in an all female work place for 
>> 14 years and sexist remarks were common, I never took them personally 
> Thank You once again, for proving my point in its entirety. This is
> *exactly* the sort of attitude a woman often comes up against when she
> needs a harasser or creepy individual stalking her, to be stopped by
> those who can. This is *exactly* the sort of attitude I am trying to
> discourage.

You're right, that's the message there. "Just take it."

Who are the main perpetrators of violence? Men.

Who has to keep organising and marching and pushing for violence against 
Women to stop? Women.

Women will have to stand alone and in small numbers until more Men stand 
with them and not against them.

You want to treat be treated like an equal Richard? Start acting like one.

Why can't you just say you stand with them?


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