[Linux-aus] Marketing Linux

James Polley linuxaus at zhasper.com
Mon May 14 00:22:06 UTC 2007

On 13/05/07, linuxaus.1.tracyanne at spamgourmet.com <
linuxaus.1.tracyanne at spamgourmet.com> wrote:
> Tux500 Why is this important?
> DELL will soon be offering Linux preinstalled on  DELL computers, but
> this offer will only be to US customers, NOT Australian customers.
> What will it take to get DELL to make that same offer to Australian
> customers?
> What it will take for DELL to make that offer is for the offering of
> Linux on DELL computers in the US to be a sales success (whatever that
> is to DELL).

So spending hundreds of thousands of dollars to have a tiny decal on a minor
car in a minor sport in the US.... is going to make Dell (note correct
capitalisation) ship linux (don't care about that capitalisation, plus, I
need to leave something for you to nitpick about) on laptops in Australia,
and I (as someone who has only ever bought Apple hardware, and probably only
ever will buy Apple hardware), am meant to care about this?

You've risen to new heights of lunacy.

Could you explain to me how your insane idea is going to give more value to
the Australian F/OSS community in general, and Linux Aus in particular, than
directing $300k in the direction of something like Software Freedom Day, or
even to Linux Aus itself?

There is nothing more worthy of contempt than a man who quotes himself -
Zhasper, 2004
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