[Linux-aus] Fwd: [A2k] bbc: Tories want open source whitehall

Jeff Waugh jdub at perkypants.org
Tue Mar 13 12:57:26 UTC 2007

<quote who="David Lloyd">

> The Tories want to find ways to make the Government more efficient and to
> redistribute the supposed "gains" to where?

> So, for example, let's say the Government saves something large (let's say
> $1 billion) in some large open source deployment.

Encourage them to do what a lot of very clueful corporates have done: Invest
in the future of the software you use (but, unlike proprietary software, you
can invest in a way that directly benefits you).

- Jeff

Open CeBIT 2007: Sydney, Australia              http://www.opencebit.com.au/
     "You can't just find cake. Cake isn't naturally occuring." - Penny

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