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[Linux-aus] Fwd: NNIC Consultation - Adelaide Public Meeting Outcomes

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Doug Jacquier <dj@cisa.asn.au>
Date: Sep 29, 2006 1:06 PM
Subject: NNIC Consultation - Adelaide Public Meeting Outcomes

Dear Nonprofit ICT Survey respondent
You are receiving this email because you were one of the many
organisations in South Australia that completed the recent national
nonprofit ICT survey. You were then invited to attend a public meeting
at DIRC in Adelaide on Thursday 28 September, to assess the
possibility of establishing a national nonprofit ICT coalition (or
NNIC), with a view to developing the information and communications
technology capacity of Australia's nonprofit organisations (visit the
NNIC section of www.communIT.info for full details).
Twenty-five people managed to make it to the meeting from a wide range
of nonprofit organisations, with many more sending their regrets at
not being able to attend. It was a very lively, challenging and useful
Please find attached a brief summary of the outcomes, as well as a
discussion starter we used in thinking about possible models for a
NNIC. Please feel free to drop me a line if there's anything else you
would like to add to the discussion.

Doug Jacquier, CEO, CISA
Convenor, NNIC Consultation consortium

Attachment: Adelaide NNIC Meeting notes and outcomes.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

Description: MS-Word document