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Re: [Linux-aus] Linux Australia member services

On Tue, 2006-09-26 at 09:44 +1000, Peter Miller wrote:
> Does Linux Australia provide member services?
> In the maelstrom around the AUUG discussions, it was mentioned that
> Linux Australia owns the opensource.org.au domain.
> Is it possible for me to obtain
> - a pmiller@opensource.org.au email address?
> - a miller.opensource.org.au domain delegation for my own use? 
> These are services for which I would happily pay real money.  Basically,
> this is in large part the value I see in my AUUG membership fees.

Okay lets run with this. If LA was to provide services to members in
return for fees (and there is nothing, not even a suggestion of a hint
of a clue that we are going to do this), what would the members see as
something that LA could do for them?

As I have already stated this is a run up the flagpole exercise, off my
own bat without any input from the ctte or anyone else. I'm on my own
here :)
James Purser
Producer/Presenter - Open Source On The Air
A LocalFOSS Production
irc: #localfoss on irc.freenode.net

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