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[linux-aus] PhD Scholarships / Post-Doc in Linux Clusters

(apologies if you receive multiple copies of this message) 

PhD Scholarships / Post-Doc in Linux Cluster Computing

We are looking for motivated computer science graduates with an
interest in Linux-based High Performance Cluster computing to join the
Jabberwocky Heterogeneous Cluster Research Project. This project is
between the Canberra-based HPC company Alexander Technology, the
Department of Computer Science at the Australian National University
and the Distributed and High-Performance Computing Group at the
University at Adelaide.

We have employment opportunities (available from November 2006) for a
Research Associate / Postdoctoral Fellow and for three ARC-funded PhD
Scholarships (with top-up and internship opportunities). The project
focusses on state-of-the-art grid-enabled heterogeneous clusters,
concentrating on the following aspects:
        * (Xen) virtualization support for performance, load balancing
           and task migration
        * scheduling and intelligent runtime environments
        * advanced predictive performance models for
          parallel applications and cluster networks

For more information, see http://jabberwocky.anu.edu.au or contact
Peter.Strazdins[at]cs.anu.edu.au, ph (02) 6125 5140 .
Note: PhD applications are needed by end of October 2006.