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Re: [Linux-aus] Conference Idea

the kinds of events plus that which kylie is involved in are things which
involve her ideas and people who havent met foss yet.
training people who want to learn how to use a desktop
computer refurbishing workshops for kids.
kylie cant get to adelaide for lugs but she is often at events in murray bridge
which apply foss principles. not all of us get to all things.

ive done a recycled jewellery workshop at the spinner and weavers guild
we stripped down cd drives and whittled them with dremel tools and
wove them into wire art, some wearable. not everyones cup of tea but a
step into a community which has a community of people based around
being able to make stuff.

these people are makers. they share ideas. they usually work with natural fibres
but have done some workshops on weaving with wire.

if we want to have laws which defend our rights we need to
engage people who are not yet at lugs(or ugs of any denomination)
these events dont have to be huge
and we are all probably members of groups involved in music or arts or
recumbent bike building or sport or church which dont have a computer focus
but may have a focus on community on local people being able to
interact with stuff and build confidence and knowledge.

from a legal perspective that is what free culture and free software are.
life is an event. we dont have to all live the same lives.
but its cool if we meet sometimes(lugs lca etc) its also cool if we
live this free culture stuff in a wider sphere(tech art, running man,
elephants dream) so we
can build the wider understanding and get to keep the right to do it legally. =)