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Re: [Linux-aus] linux.org.au / linux.conf.au

Hey Jeff,

> What I'm pointing out is that people who already feel excluded, directly or
> indirectly, due to our name, will look at this thread and feel that their
> concerns have little understanding or sympathy from even the most open and
> welcoming Linux Australia people.

Rather just have us take your word on sponsorship problems and people
feeling excluded. Can you provide us with specific issues companies have
presented as a problem (I can understand you may not be able to reveal
company names here). Can you also give us details on the sorts of issues
individuals bring to your attention about feeling excluded.

Most of the replies so far have been negative. More negative to an lca
change vs LA change, but still negative. You say clearer naming is
needed, everyone seems to think it's appropriate.

I think it's appropriate too. I think lca in particular is perfect. The
conf does cover a lot of areas but the common point is Linux (the OS).
Sure app_X may run on multiple platforms, or concept_Y is more generic
than Linux, but the thing driving it to be at lca is the fact it is of
interest to the Linux community. With "Linux" (when used as a generic
term) being almost synonymous with FOSS anyway - and defining the
common/focus point then what is more appropriate? If you don't want to
change what the conf is about and the name aptly describes it then why
are we changing it?

IMO a more inclusive name would actually be _too broad_. Should we
we be embracing talks on FOSS apps that run on Windows only for example?
I think that will ruin the conf actually (yes there will always be
exceptions), yet we shouldn't really be knocking them back because the
name says "yes". Sounds like you really want to either change the conf or
want different focused confs?

Perhaps a more evangelical conference is needed to focus on business
and individuals alike. Learn about FOSS, the philosophy, Linux and other
OSes, and how it can work for you as a business or personally. This
would need a suitably broad name.

That said, I'm not decided about whether LA should change or whether
there should be a higher-up all org...


Jason Nicholls
Jason Nicholls                     email: <jason@mindsocket.com.au>
http://jason.mindsocket.com.au/     cell: 206 310 4239 (US)
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