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Re: [Linux-aus] Re: linux.conf.au name change

Crap - sent to LA from the wrong address - apologies to moderators - and apologies if it ends up here twice.

On Tue, 2006-09-19 at 11:53 +1000, Jeff Waugh wrote:
> <quote who="Rusty Russell">
> > 1) The name linux.conf.au has international recognition.
> A coherent rebranding effort can alleviate this problem.

After a heated exchange with Jeff on IRC, and at the risk of being seen
to be insane ;) ... I feel the need to clarify something, and ask for
structured responses.

I am not opposed to changing the name of the conference, however, I have
not _yet_ seen a compelling enough reason to do so.

I am persuaded by many of the views already expressed, that we have more
to lose than to gain. Unfortunately, the perception, by some, that LCA
is too exclusive does not shift the balance sufficiently in my mind to
leave behind the comfort and success of the current brand. But, as Jeff
points out, this is the comfort position, and it would hurt none of us
to consider the options. 

Change can be exciting, so I propose we shift the debate from this
binary yes / no argument - to something possibly more constructive and

If you have a view on this issue - please ask yourself the following
questions, and please feed back the answers, as we continue to consider
Jeff's proposal to change the name of the conference. 

1. What do you know now about how linux.conf.au is perceived? Both
locally and globally, from within the community and without. What are
the facts about LCA? What data and evidence is there that supports these
facts? What would you like to know? What other questions do you have?
What is the problem as the situation stands?

Now describe the nature of the conference as if you were explaining it
to someone who has never been before.

IMPORTANT: We are not considering changing the nature of the conference,
just the name. (a rose by any other name would smell as sweet)
We would change the name in order to better describe what it already is,
and represent it to those who don't already know.

2. What's your gut feel on a name change for LCA? What does your
intuition say? There is no need to justify your gut response.

3. What are the LOGICAL POSITIVE implications of changing the name of
the conference? How would the conference and the community benefit and
improve from a name and brand change? JUSTIFY your views, describe the
case for change.

4. What are the LOGICAL NEGATIVE implications of changing the name of
the conference? How would the conference and the community be harmed or
diminished by a name and brand change?  JUSTIFY your views, describe the
case for no change.

5. IF we were to change the name - what might that name be? Think
creatively, think outside the obvious FOSS / FLOSS CONF permutations.
IF we were NOT going to change the name, suggest a by-line that might
appeal to those who feel excluded by the linux moniker.

Brainstorm options. Keep in mind what you believe to be the nature of
the conference as you know it. Throw your ideas into the ring - provoke
yourself to stretch and open your mind to seek new options, green

6. Has your gut feel changed?

7. So what now? What would you propose?

donna benjamin - executive director
ph +61 3 9326 9985 | mob +61 418 310 414
research - facilitation - web development 
donna benjamin                      linux.conf.au
conference director                 MEL8OURNE2008
www.mel8ourne.org                   must.be.there
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