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Re: [Linux-aus] Request for Grant from Linux Australia for Ubertweak

On Wed, 2006-09-13 at 07:28 +1000, Elspeth Thorne wrote:
> True, our parent organisation is a not-for-profit Christian 
> organisation, and we have to abide by their rules, specifically with 
> regards to training of leaders and the like.
> On the other hand, many of the kids who come along are *not* christian, 
> have no desire to be christian, and that's just fine. We are not 
> evangelistic; we encourage discussion, yes, but we're not out to stomp 
> on anyone's personal beliefs. There are quite a few aethists and usually 
> a pagan or two along to camp, some of which come back in following years 
> for the computing material. I personally find the view of camp as a 
> vehicle to promote Christianity repungant. Reconnecting exisiting 
> Christians with their local communities, yes; new Christians? Not so 
> much. I do not think that a decision on religion should be made in an 
> artificial environment, particulary not in such a short-lived 
> environment, and Scripture Union policy is to not encourage such 
> committments.

Thank you for your clarification.  I also oppose Linux Australia funding
any organisation that actively seeks to convert people to any political
or religious belief.  However I support providing funds specifically for
the promotion of Linux by any organisation regardless of political or
religious affiliation.  Therefore I would support funding in this case
where suitable assurances have been given.

mailto:xanni@xanadu.net                         Andrew Pam
http://www.xanadu.com.au/                       Chief Scientist, Xanadu
http://www.glasswings.com.au/                   Partner, Glass Wings
http://www.sericyb.com.au/                      Manager, Serious Cybernetics