[Linux-aus] Proposed Miniconf for 2006.

Simon Lyall simon at darkmere.gen.nz
Tue Jul 5 17:06:02 UTC 2005

We are in the early stages of planning a Sysadmin Miniconf for LCA 2006,
below I've included our early draft proposal and a request for a bit
of feedback from people on the list. Private email is probably easier,
the list seems a little cluttered already..

Sysadmin Miniconf

This would be a mini conference targeted at people who run Linux boxes for a
living. This could range from large Linux based Server Farms, ISPs,
companies with 100s of Linux desktops to small companies with just a
Linux mail server.  The main goal would be to provide talks directly
useful to professional Linux administrators.

Topics could include (but not limited to):

Samba, Databases, Backups, Firewalls, AAA , Troubleshooting, Buying
decisions, VPN, Virtual machines (Xen, UML, VMware), Monitoring software,
Server installs, Web/Mail/LDAP/etc Server software, wikis, PHP, Spam and
virus filtering, VOIP, Trouble Ticket System, Best Practices, New
Developments, Cool stuff,


What I found the last 2 years I've attended is that "non programmers"
( or at least those who don't program heavily ) fall a little between
the gaps at the conference and especially the miniconfs. I asked around
a little this year and a reasonable number of people seemed interested
in a miniconf aimed at Linux admins so here I am.

* I would expect most of the talks will assuming at least a couple of years
  experience in general Unix/Linux administration in the audience.

* A little way into this Miniconf outline we realized that the miniconf
  agenda should be such that professional admins could use it to justify
  to their boss why the should attend LCA.

The miniconf is still at the early planing stages and I am working to get
it ready for us to formally ask the 2006 Organisers that it be part of LCA

Could people let me know.

1. If you are going to LCA2006 and would be interested in attending this
2. Topics or talks you would like to see.
3. If you might be interested in giving a talk ( between 5 minutes and 3 hours
4. If you know someone else that that might be have an interesting talk they
   could give.
5. If you have any other feedback on the Miniconf Proposal.

Thanks for you time. Hopefully if there is significant interest we will be
there for a day (or two) in January.


Note: I am not one of the LCA 2006 organisers. I just happen to live in
the same country and am interested in organising a miniconf.

Simon J. Lyall  |  Very Busy  |  Web: http://www.darkmere.gen.nz/
"To stay awake all night adds a day to your life" - Stilgar | eMT.

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