[Linux-aus] Media training

Pia Smith greebo at pipka.org
Fri Apr 1 07:11:01 UTC 2005

Hi Marc, and all the OSIA people who answered,

<quote who="Marc Englaro">

> I'd like to put my hand up for the Media Training.  I'm volunteering to
> participate in OSIA's communication committee (yet to be formed) where
> we'll comment publicly on the positioning open-source/Linux and
> particularly in the context of business and Government in Australia. 

Just as a thought :)

I would hope that all of the OSIA nominations for the media training would
work with Linux Australia where it makes sense so we can bring the business
and community concerns to the table with such matters. OSIA have already
worked quite well together and I hope the two organisations can continue the
good relationship and to work on projects together. They both look at two
different aspects of Linux and Open Source, and there are often different
angles of both organisations that when combined can make for a powerful
story. Eg - the FTA would negatively impact businesses in Australia like
blah, and also the budding OS community like so. This would have x economic
impact and y social/opportunity/education impact.

This is relevant with government particularly due to the work and consultation
Linux Australia have had with various government bodies over the last couple
of years.


Linux Australia                                         http://linux.org.au/
                      Jeff: Whatchootalkin'boutwillis?
                            Pia: What's Willis?

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