[Linux-aus] Media Officer Now

Paul Shirren shirro at shirro.com
Thu Feb 5 06:09:01 UTC 2004

Yes, in SA they have to do x number of hours training and development 
during the year or they have to stay at school an extra week.

I don't believe courses need department approval here, just sign off 
from the teachers head of department. My gf is claiming her visit to 
EducationLinux as T&D time.

Basically, if I put on a training session with relevance to their 
teaching and offered a printed certificate at the end I reckon most 
teachers could claim it here.

I think I would want a copy of OpenCD (lots of nice OSS for Windows 
users), an English Knoppix each and a few Japanese ones (most schools 
teach Japanese), the OOo school handout and a few of my own "What is 
OSS" ones for them to take home with them. Speaking notes or any help 
from someone who has arranged something would be great.

A CD with a copy of Python and the lame high school produced 
IntroducingPython video on it would be neat as well. Too many schools 
don't teach programming because the teachers are not trained. It is 
important that as many people as possible be creators and not just 

Michael Still wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Feb 2004, Con Zymaris wrote:
>>Guys, it's not enough to just hand out flashy-looking CDs though. Think
>>about it. How many 'free' CDs have you been handed out in the past 5
>>years? How many of those have you actually bothered to installed? I've 
>>lost count of the hundreds of free CD's that are piling up on my shelves 
>>gathering dust.
> The Canberra AUUG chapter dealt with this by running a symposium aimed 
> solely at teachers. It turned out that the IT teachers group (club, 
> association, whatever) in the ACT was approved to run in-services for 
> teachers. Once we had them onboard, our couple of hours of why Open Source 
> is cool counted as an in-service.
> Teachers have ongoing training requirements imposed on them from the 
> department -- in other words, they _must_ attend a bunch of in-services 
> each year. You just need to structure your oo.org demo / installfest in a 
> way which makes it pallatable for them.
> I assume that other states have similar associations for teachers which 
> are always looking for content.
> Cheers,
> Mikal

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