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[Linux-aus] Patent Insurance and other stuff

Sometimes in my very average day, at work I sometimes come across simple emails, one of those happened today, an email about requesting information about Patent Insurance.

For very dark cloud, there always a silver lining, where someone can make money!

Now for some serious business, I have been reading with great interest the meeting between Open Source/Linux Australia and the representatives of the Chinese Government. Not at least the opportunity Pia had, the chance to talk about Open Source in Mandarin!

As China is now Australia's largest trading partner, the involvement of DFAT and AUSTRADE is extremely important but I say this with a word of caution. Mainly as I question the push by DFAT in 'multilaterally' of discussions of a FTA with China when this comes to matters of intellectual property protection.

Now that brings me to a point to discuss the operations of a American lobby group called CompTIA ( http://www.comptia.org/default.aspx ), now after the signing of the AUSFTA CompTIA has setup shop in Sydney. This was reported in an article in the Australian on the 7th December titled "US body sets up here to rival ACS".

CompTIA has been very active  in the lobby arena in regards to China:




Once again like many American initiatives, they lack cultural, historic and diplomatic tactic. Perhaps this is a opportunity for Linux Australia to come to the front and show the Howard Government how important an advantage open source is for Cultural, Trade and Diplomatic for Australian/China relationships.



PS I'm in Shanghai next month.

Useful Links:

Advisory Council on Intellectual Property


Unuseful links:


