[Linux-aus] Re: Hooks to the AU patent process

pia at linux.org.au pia at linux.org.au
Thu Aug 5 11:05:02 UTC 2004

Hmmm... I've just had a bit of a look at the patent search mechanism, which 
is not particularly user friendly. Very hard to find what the latest patents 
are. It seems to be designed to be able to search against a known patent 
quite well, but not for checking patents lodged (makes sense, patenters are 
after all clients and need to track their goods). 

Anyway, there is several "document types" 

A2 = Amended first publication
A4 = Publication of granted innovation patent
A6 = Publication of amended granted innovation patent
A8 = Corrigenda to the bibliographic data of an A level publication
A9 = Corrigenda to the patent specification of an A level publication
B1 = First publication of an accepted standard patent application
B2 = Publication of a patent application after acceptance
B3 = Publication of a granted petty patent
B4 = Publication of a certified innovation patent
B8 = Corrigenda to the bibliographic data of a B level publication
B9 = Corrigenda to the patent specification of a B level publication
C1 = Amended accepted or granted standard/petty patent
C4 = Amended certified innovation patent
C8 = Corrigenda to the bibliographic data of a C level publication
C9 = Corrigenda to the patent specification of a C level publication

 From what I can see we only need to watch the A1 and A5 ones? Does that 
sound right? 


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