[Lias] Content filtering: how we do it.

Paul Shirren shirro at shirro.com
Thu Mar 12 10:41:25 EST 2009

That is a great toolset. I use shorewall a lot.

I used to use squid, squidguard and dansguardian when I was putting
together filtering solutions. These days I would probably look at
OpenDNS as well.

One question though. What year level are these students and is this
level of filtering really appropriate?

I have become really uncomfortable with over filtering of school
internet. It has gone well beyond child protection in my opinion and I
find the motives and justifications for a lot of it are really suspect.

I have seen a lot of negative impacts on teaching and learning of nanny
state overfiltering in my brief glimpses into the DECS internet here in
South Australia. I think it is a huge shame when people like Al Upton
have their student blogs shut down because ignorant corporates can't do
a dispassionate risk assessment.

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