[Lias] School Intranet Servers, Continued

Paul Gear pgear at redlands.qld.edu.au
Tue Apr 8 06:10:04 UTC 2003

Les Bell wrote:

> Also, can anybody recommend good open-source
>network mapping/diagramming tools? We know where the cables go, but really
>don't know how the datagrams get routed, distinctions between classroom and
>admin networks, etc. so I need to get a handle on this.

A few i've heard of (haven't tried them yet myself):
and nmap can also do a little bit.

>3. A question for the teachers here: In order to automate account creation
>and management, I want to be able to import all the kids' names and class
>data in a batch process. Do schools normally have any kind of file that
>could be used for this purpose, perhaps from the OASIS system (about which,
>I confess, I know nothing)?

I don't know about OASIS, but Alice for Windows (its successor) has a 
user export function...

Paul Gear
Manager IT Operations
Redlands College
38 Anson Road, Wellington Point 4160
07 3286 0271
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