[Jobs] JOB: (adelaide (northern suburbs)) trainer/mentor, Part Time

Linux Jobs jobs at linux.org.au
Sat May 21 06:29:05 UTC 2005

trainer/mentor, Part Time

the background:

I run a work for the dole project in Adelaide refurbishing old pcs for the Australian Computer Society with up to 12 participants at any one time.  Mostly there's 6 maximum.  They are mostly competent in the windows platform at least at user level.

I want to extend their skills to provide a pool of 'level 1' support people within the community who feel comfortable to provide the kind of support to mums and dads in the way that happens for windows users now.

The task:

I see this being a 5 month project (about 20 weeks) but the money available is pretty awful and I would need someone who is as passionate as I am to share knowledge and skills with people in order to spread the linux message.

I think the tasks are: (subject to negotiation)

1. Preparing an interactive self paced workbook based on IBM's LPI linux tutorials at http://www-106.ibm.com/developerworks/edu/l-dw-linux-lpir21-i.html

2. Providing one day a week (or spread over 2 days) in tutoring/facilitating, face to face at Ridgehaven

3. Developing skills in participants to provide 'level 1' support for the ubuntu desktop, using the desktop function and if necessary the CLI

1. installing ubuntu using the install wizard
2. connecting to a printer
3. adding an internal modem (known to work with linux modem)
4. connecting to the internet using dhcp and direct
5. adding a windows server for file sharing
6. changing some items on the desktop - colours, backgrounds etc
7. adding music playing/multimedia (alsa config)
8. adding packages
9. updating packages
10. using usb/flash drives
11. mounting/unmounting devices
12. basic command line tasks eg dmesg, lspci etc
13. simple problem identification and troubleshooting
14. how to find howtos etc on the internet.

the environment:
Airconditioned, comfortable workroom, ADSL connection and coke 'on tap'.  Near Tea Tree Plaza.

I have 4 older machines set up with ubuntu (hoary hedgehog) 1 win98 and 1 win2000 machines and have an amd sempron 2500/512mb/20gb hdd available to set up a Red hat server, but which is currently running ubuntu.

The reward:

community service: 
enormous contribution to the community of computer users
self esteem: 
the knowledge that you have made a difference, without you, this skilling will not occur for these people
being able to claim you devised and ran a computer training course to develop new skills for people in linux basic user support
basic remuneration - based on $130 per participant

Contact: Brenda Aynsley
Project Manager
ACS Community Computers

08 8265 1107 / 0412 662 988
Applications close: 31st May 2005

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