[Grants] Grant Application from Jennifer Sims for Sports Connection Australia - Gender Diverse Sporting Streaming

Jonathan Woithe jwoithe at just42.net
Wed Jul 17 00:19:22 AEST 2024

Hi Jennifer

Speaking as an LA member (not representing Council), I was wondering whether
you could provide a little more information about some aspects of the grant
application you have submitted.

On Tue, Jul 16, 2024 at 12:10:47PM +0000, Linux Australia Website wrote:
> The key milestone is to provide streaming for multiple events across the
> year using these funds.  It will allow us to purchase products that allow
> us to make best use of the OBS platform to live stream.

Once you have your system set up and ready to use, do you expect it to be
available for use beyond the Roller Derby community?  If another group
related to LA wanted to live stream an event, could the equipment be made
available to them (subject to you and your team having time to facilitate it
of course)?  I imagine logistics would probably limit this to being within

> Estimated cost breakdown of the project: The total cost is $2000 to
> purchase components for the live stream

Is it possible to provide an itemised breakdown of the components you are
looking to purchase with these funds, and their approximate value?


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