[Grants] Grant Application from Jade Ambrose for Merri-bek Tech Raspberri Pi / Wikipedia hosting course

Linux Australia Website admin-team at linux.org.au
Sun Jul 7 12:45:22 AEST 2024

Your Email Address: jade at hopepunk.me
Project name: Merri-bek Tech Raspberri Pi / Wikipedia hosting course
Grant Type: Project Grant
Aim of the project: Merri-bek Tech Inc, a non-profit in northern Melbourne, aims to run a 3 month course for a cohort of volunteers new to technology to learn the fundamentals of running linux on the Raspberry Pi, networking and web hosting, leading to group projects centred around a simple first web hosting problem, being hosting a wikipedia mirror on Pi based infrastructure that works locally even if mains power is lost.
The course will run from August - October 2024, weekly on Thursday evenings at Sussex Neighbourhood House. It will consist of approximately 5 structured learning evenings, 6 project evenings with tutors assisting, and a final showcase. The course will include about 10 volunteers. The neighbourhood house has a windows desktop per student, but we aim to have a Raspberry Pi for each student for their linux work. 
We're asking for a grant to assist with purchasing Raspberry Pi hardware. These will be re-used for future cohorts, and also for the hosting itself.
Further details here:
We have received $1,000 in funding from Merri-bek City Council for a volunteer coordinator.
Estimated cost breakdown of the project: Hardware:
$1,500 10 x Raspberry Pi 5 (plus power supply, SD card, etc) for students
$500 - $1,000 hosting hardware (more Pi's, network switch, low power wifi router, UPS, 3d printed enclosures)
$1,620 for the year (I'll reach out separately to see if auspicing by linux australia might help there)
$360 (non-profit rate) for Sussex Neighbourhood House computer Room
Volunteer Coordinator:
$1,000 (covered by grant)
Total Project Cost
Of that, $1,000 is covered by a grant. We are asking for a grant of $1,000 from Linux Australia to put towards the hardware. We will cover the rest with private donations.
Project team details: The program is mainly being planned by our regular committee of experienced techologists and community organisers:
Jade (Craig) Ambrose: https://www.linkedin.com/in/craigambrose/
Simon Hildebrandt: https://www.linkedin.com/in/simonhildebrandt/
Lilly Ryan: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lilly-ryan/
Matt Cengia: https://www.linkedin.com/in/mattcen/
Alexis Hazell: https://github.com/flexibeast
Between us we have run many tech events and given talks at multiple open source conferences.
With additional advice and help from Russel Coker, Greg Bromage and others.
First Name: Jade
Last Name: Ambrose
Email Address: jade at hopepunk.me
A statement including a willingness to provide regular project updates on the project: As association secretary of Merri-bek Tech Inc, and a Linux Australia member, I'm very happy to give a report to Linux Australia at the following milestones:
* Purchase of the hardware with assistance from Linux Australia
* Filling all ten places for the course with diverse participants
* Start of the three month program
* Final showcase of the three month program.
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