[Grants] Application for a Linux Australia Grant

Jonathan Woithe jwoithe at just42.net
Thu Aug 30 10:48:01 AEST 2018

Hi Ronald

On Thu, Aug 16, 2018 at 07:05:03AM +0000, Manuel Diaz wrote:
> We would like to submit an application for a Linux Australia Grant.  We
> are working on an open-source project which aims to improve safety of
> Australian roads by addressing driver fitness-to-drive.

Thanks for submitting your grant application and the comprehensive

I have a few questions arising from the application.

1. The development being considered appears to be focused on the data
   collection side of the broader project as it will fund the development
   of the mobile apps.  The handling of that data, and any solutions which
   might come from it, is separate.  Is this a fair summary of the

2. The grant funding is being directed to app development which will be done
   off-shore.  This means that the immediate beneficiary of the grant funds
   will be overseas developers.  Could you explain how the awarding of the
   grant will benefit the Open Source community in Australia which Linux
   Australia represents?  The grant application calls out the availability
   of an open source production-grade app for iOS and Android as a positive,
   which it is.  However, there already is a repository of Open Source
   Android apps (Fdroid) - admittedly of varying quality, with no iOS
   equivalent[1] that I'm aware of - so I'm not sure how significant this is
   in practice.


[1] Mostly due to platform restrictions from what I've been told.

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