[Flounder] FIDO2 meeting report

Russell Coker russell at coker.com.au
Sat Jan 20 17:44:21 AEDT 2024

I was going to email the chat but the copy/paste operation failed.  In future 
I'll paste the notes BEFORE ending the meeting.  So I'll write stuff from 

The Debian package fido2-tools allows talking to U2F devices (dongles for 
FIDO2) and I used it to talk to a Yubico device I got from work.


The above web sites test the WebauthN functionality of your browser and 
hardware.  Chrome and the Yubikey work on Debian/Bookworm for me.


Yubikeys start at $25US which is reasonably affordable.


The Somu is an open source hardware device which does this and costs $35.


Softfido is a software emulation of Fido hardware.  It is not in Debian but 
the Debian package softhsm provides the dependency for it.


The Debian U2F wiki page is worth reading.


People have got LUKS unlocking via Fido2 keys.


Your LUKS key derivation function can be a weakness in your LUKS setup.  This 
is separate from Fido2/TPM stuff.

Everyone had fun and learned some things, so the meeting was a success even 
though we didn't get Fido2 emulation working.

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