From russell at Sat Jul 1 15:38:38 2023 From: russell at (Russell Coker) Date: Sat, 01 Jul 2023 15:38:38 +1000 Subject: [Flounder] transcript of chat from the meeting Message-ID: <7629637.60r6i4UCyb@xev> Some of this won't make sense without the context of the discussion, but the URLs are all good so you could just click on all the links. Un Undef 1:14 PM Un Undef 1:14 PM Ru Russell Coker 1:18 PM Do you have a different microphone? It's really bad Yi Yifei ZHAN(offline) 1:18 PM The builtin I will get another one, just a moment Yi Yifei ZHAN(offline) 1:18 PM one a dell laptop Un Undef 1:26 PM Ru Russell Coker 1:30 PM So it's sending a packet every second and you receive one ever 6-8 seconds? Ru Russell Coker 1:36 PM LORA isn't going to transfer huge amounts of data so user space should be ok Ru Russell Coker 1:38 PM The Pine people are sending a new keyboard, but said they won't replace the new one if it dies. Ru Russell Coker 1:39 PM How hard is it to repair a Pine keyboard? Yifei is really good with a soldering iron Un Undef 1:39 PM You can replace that regulator. But it's surface mount. I killed my keyboard fully trying, but give it a go. Un Undef 1:40 PM There are a bunch of test points you can use to check that the 5v rail doesn't actually have 1.8v on it... Ru Russell Coker 1:40 PM I've given up on the idea of surface mount soldering. I'll get Yifei to help me whenever I need such stuff done. Ru Russell Coker 1:45 PM I can remember when a 2RU server that had 1G of RAM was considered a big system! Yi Yifei ZHAN(offline) 2:03 PM Ru Russell Coker 2:10 PM Ru Russell Coker 2:15 PM Ru Russell Coker 2:17 PM Security problem exploitable by user sandbox Ru Russell Coker 2:18 PM bwrap --ro-bind /usr /usr --symlink usr/lib64 /lib64 --symlink usr/lib /lib -- proc /proc --dev /dev --unshare-pid --die-with-parent bash Ru Russell Coker 2:19 PM bwrap --bind $HOME/.local/share/warzone2100 $HOME/.local/share/warzone2100 -- bind /run/user/$UID/pulse /run/user/$UID/pulse --bind /run/user/$UID/wayland-0 /run/user/$UID/wayland-0 --bind /run/user/$UID/wayland-0.lock /run/user/$UID/ wayland-0.lock --ro-bind /usr /usr --symlink usr/bin /bin --symlink usr/lib64 /lib64 --symlink usr/lib /lib --proc /proc --dev /dev --unshare-pid --dev-bind /dev/dri /dev/dri --ro-bind $HOME/.pulse $HOME/.pulse --ro-bind $XAUTHORITY $XAUTHORITY --ro-bind /sys /sys --new-session --die-with-parent warzone2100 Ru Russell Coker 2:24 PM #!/bin/bash set -e BUILDDIR=$(realpath $(pwd)/..) exec bwrap --bind /tmp /tmp --bind $BUILDDIR $BUILDDIR --ro-bind /etc /etc -- ro-bind /usr /usr --ro-bind /var/lib/dpkg /var/lib/dpkg --symlink usr/bin /bin --symlink usr/lib64 /lib64 --symlink usr/lib /lib --proc /proc --dev /dev -- die-with-parent --unshare-user --unshare-ipc --unshare-net --unshare-pid -- new-session --uid 0 --gid 0 $@ Ru Russell Coker 2:27 PM [8] [9] Un Undef 2:32 PM <- A container based project with a similar use-case of Qubes. Yi Yifei ZHAN(offline) 2:33 PM Yi Yifei ZHAN(offline) 2:33 PM Dn Dn(offline) 2:34 PM Thanks guys - visitors have arrived... -- My Main Blog My Documents Blog