[Computerbank] Stock Control

Michael White white.mike at bigpond.com
Wed Feb 6 14:23:23 UTC 2002

This could be a job for WODA
Regards Michael
Woda stands for "Web Oriented DAtabase". This does not mean it is not
relational or object-oriented but that it is optimized for the use on the
Web. In many Indo-European languages, words sounding like "woda" mean water
- therefore the tap and the moisture on this Web page. It is also true,
that Woda is caffeine free. No Java, SQL, PhP, C# inside. 

What can I do with WODA ?
Any simple (hmm?) database application which: 
should run on the WWW, 
requires user input and 
can be modeled as a few loosely related tables. 
Examples of such applications are membership lists, bibliographies,
document archives, virtual journals and libraries, catalogues, hot lists,
classifieds, discussion systems, mailing list archives, rings of web pages,
questionnaires ... 
Payroll systems, blood bank applications, military strength applications
are not what you would use WODA for (although it would be tempting). 

Where is it used ?
Since it is so easy to generate a new database (a 10 min effort from a
schema to fully running application), we are using it for everything - or
are switching to it. Some of our recent projects are: 
CUMINCAD - a simple bibliographic database of CAAD papers (3000+ records,
full text abstracts. 
CONNET Calculation and Software Center - a relational database containing
information about publishers of engineering software. 
These are some sites created by other users of Woda. Mail the author, if
you think your work should be added! 

paramedicine.com - a whole site on paramedicine powered by Woda. 
cigarettessuck - the title says it all. 
beautiful-ladies - are they? Have a look.

What are WODA's main features ?
WODA is relying on an extensive data definition structures that allow the
manager of the database to rapidly define the whole database system without
programming or defining individual screens or forms. Decent application can
be done without any HTML coding or programming. Basic knowledge of
programming principles is welcome, though. 
WODA is easy to install and self contained. No other libraries or packages
are required. Only Perl language interpreter and an httpd server must be
After WODA is installed and set up, 99% of all database development tasks
can be done from within the browser. The database definition is done
through forms using browser or even using sample data. 
WODA's data storage is robust. Data is stored in ASCII files, easy to read,
port, hack ... 
WODA supports several field types including TEXT, TEXTAREA, HTMLAREA,
OPTION, LINKOPTION (links an option list into another WODA database), DATE,
EMAIL, URL, FILE, USERFILE (allows adding whole multimedia files like .jpg
images or .pdf documents as fields into a record), COMPUTE and BREAK. 
There is no limit to size of record or number of records other than those
imposed by the Web server's file system. 
WODA uses industry standard (e.g. Yahoo, AltaVista) search syntax.
'Best-match' searching does a full text search of the database and provides
relevancy ratings. 
Complex searches can be assembled using friendly query builder interface
similar to other query building applications (e.g. MS Query). 
Searches are remembered and can be stored. Search history is maintained. 
Several browsing options are generated automatically based on OPTION
fields, e.g. Yahoo like hierarchical browsing and several other, more
The system messages can be translated. From English, WODA has been
translated into German, French, Spanish, Swedish, Croatian and Slovenian. 
Each record may be password protected by the person who entered it. 
Database administrator can create user based protection of operations and
data, based on server side authentication, username/password validation
within WODA or host name based authentication within WODA. 
Database administration is web based - the administrator may delete
outdated records, generate static .html pages and even change the database
definition ... all from within a browser. 
WODA remembers. It remembers user's options, when he last searched for
something (so that we can show only changes since), an item he typically
enters into a field (e.g. email address) etc. 
WODA includes an agent that can do searches for the user and remind him of
changes periodically by email. 
WODA databases are open and can export/import data from Windows
applications such as Microsoft Excel or Access. 
WODA is fast. For even more speed it compiles itself into binary executable
file if the system supports undump or it runs under MOD_PERL. 
WODA includes shopping basket functionality, which is very handy to collect
favorite items from a database and print them out together (e.g. all
relevant papers, all interesting people, all interesting links ...). 
WODA handles registration of the users of the database, so the
administrator knows who is using the application. 
WODA allows for unlimited undo of all database transactions. 
WODA maintains its own log files. 
WODA identifies Web robots and treats them as specified. 
What could be WODA's weaknesses ?

*********** REPLY SEPARATOR  ***********

On 2/6/02 at 12:15 AM Raul wrote:

>Hi Everyone,
>In NSW, we are getting more organised, and as part of this process we will
>be upgrading our stock control system from a simple spreadsheet to
>more practical and appropriate.
>As part of this effort, I would like to get whatever is available in the
>other branches to save us from reinventing the wheel where possible.
>So, can someone supply us with:
>* Source code / name of application used?
>* Database schema and small data sample
>* Rough outline what are the most popular/useful reports that you run
>* Any big deficiencies or grumblings about the system? Anything left off
>it's wish list?
>* Any learnings that maybe useful for us in NSW?
>* Any documentation, analysis, or other information??
>* A point of contact if we have further questions
>Please send all of information to me on this subject directly to me
> rauly at bigpond.net.au ) as I am attempting to co-ordinate things on this
>project in NSW. I will take any format of data/information that you can
>provide, so don't let that be a limiting factor. I will also post a
>confirmation to the list upon receipt so that everyone is aware that
>has already submitted the information from a branch.
>This needs not be a complex or drawn out task, so please try and knock
>down by early next week.
>Raoul Pollicino
>computerbank mailing list
>computerbank at lists.linux.org.au

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