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<p><b style="font: 9px Constantia; color: #565051;">She looked into the mirror and saw another person.It's always a good idea to seek shelter from the evil gaze of the sun.Karen believed all traffic laws should be obeyed by all except herself.She found his complete dullness interesting.The fence was confused about whether it was supposed to keep things in or keep things out.People keep telling me "orange" but I still prefer "pink".She found his complete dullness interesting.The Japanese yen for commerce is still well-known.She lived on Monkey Jungle Road and that seemed to explain all of her strangeness.100 years old is such a young age if you happen to be a bristlecone pine.Bill ran from the giraffe toward the dolphin.There should have been a time and a place, but this wasn't it.He is no James Bond; his name is Roger Moore.He wondered why at 18 he was old enough to go to war, but not old enough to buy cigarettes.He was so preoccupied with whether or not h
e could that he failed to stop to consider if he should.The efficiency with which he paired the socks in the drawer was quite admirable.Combines are no longer just for farms.We should play with legos at camp.His confidence would have bee admirable if it wasn't for his stupidity.No matter how beautiful the sunset, it saddened her knowing she was one day older.The tortoise jumped into the lake with dreams of becoming a sea turtle.Standing on one's head at job interviews forms a lasting impression.Pantyhose and heels are an interesting choice of attire for the beach.The fence was confused about whether it was supposed to keep things in or keep things out.Homesickness became contagious in the young campers' cabin.He had a vague sense that trees gave birth to dinosaurs.You'll see the rainbow bridge after it rains cats and dogs.Iguanas were falling out of the trees.My Mum tries to be cool by saying that she likes all the same things that I do.If I don’t like somethin
g, I’ll stay away from it.</b></p>
<p><b style="font: 9px Constantia; color: #565051;">There should have been a time and a place, but this wasn't it.They finished building the road they knew no one would ever use.For the 216th time, he said he would quit drinking soda after this last Coke.The irony of the situation wasn't lost on anyone in the room.There were three sphered rocks congregating in a cubed room.Greetings from the real universe.There should have been a time and a place, but this wasn't it.He enjoys practicing his ballet in the bathroom.After exploring the abandoned building, he started to believe in ghosts.The knives were out and she was sharpening hers.This is the last random sentence I will be writing and I am going to stop mid-sentIt must be easy to commit crimes as a snake because you don't have to worry about leaving fingerprints.The memory we used to share is no longer coherent.He never understood why what, when, and where left out who.This made him feel like an old-style rootbeer flo
at smells.The tour bus was packed with teenage girls heading toward their next adventure.In that instant, everything changed.Cursive writing is the best way to build a race track.Toddlers feeding raccoons surprised even the seasoned park ranger.The memory we used to share is no longer coherent.He liked to play with words in the bathtub.My uncle's favorite pastime was building cars out of noodles.She had that tint of craziness in her soul that made her believe she could actually make a difference.The balloons floated away along with all my hopes and dreams.Mary realized if her calculator had a history, it would be more embarrassing than her computer browser history.The fish listened intently to what the frogs had to say.It was a really good Monday for being a Saturday.They finished building the road they knew no one would ever use.If I don’t like something, I’ll stay away from it.I always dreamed about being stranded on a desert island until it actually happened.</b><
<p><b style="font: 9px Constantia; color: #565051;">He never understood why what, when, and where left out who.She always speaks to him in a loud voice.Jim liked driving around town with his hazard lights on.A suit of armor provides excellent sun protection on hot days.</b></p>