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/* What it does: A work-around for email clients meddling in triggered links. */
*[x-apple-data-detectors], /* iOS */
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<h1><span style="color:#64c800;">e-Suggestion</span></h1>
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<h2>Minimore would like to be<br />
your friend</h2>
<td style="text-align: center;">
<div class="text-author"><img alt="" src="https://www.altraction.com/frontend/assets/files/customer/cv92188ob23cc/ani200px.gif" style="border-width: 0px; border-style: solid; width: 200px; height: 200px;" />
<h3 class="name">Minimore</h3>
<span class="position">CEO, Founder at The Minimore Family</span>
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<h3 class="heading">About</h3>
<p>An educational, fun and very creative way to preserve history through a collection of 3333 hand-drawn NFT's of historical characters, characterized in our cute little monster, with perpetual rights and profits for owners...</p>
<td style="padding-top: 20px;" valign="top" width="33.333%">
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<h3 class="heading" style="text-align: right;">Useful Links</h3>
<li style="text-align: right;"><a href="http://tracking.altraction.com/tracking/click?d=yhUIku4Vp-ElgYecqc6wLcHWDj1dTwE4zXv1E1RJzNy5ocLGVjxoZl2bWRkzjneso__OagVWNTISZ6OvvuoJnZ2OtmloklPJ94OmxWY_oiD8oF64SCQvw65fL9FvZERw3WCtbtY9p3xTJaQ7sPsfDgBVlTOlFGZe41AhedlRY4ayX0L4aH2egwq5l7k78ZtsHQyWgPaw49dbJsQ83eEWdjQ7YHE605gIeBo04BNADE4AhnUa_Z5D2if_aI3OwYlqfvY4_j6nyxY4-JyfENrwNt81">About</a></li>
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<li style="text-align: right;"><a href="http://tracking.altraction.com/tracking/click?d=yhUIku4Vp-ElgYecqc6wLcHWDj1dTwE4zXv1E1RJzNy5ocLGVjxoZl2bWRkzjneso__OagVWNTISZ6OvvuoJnZ2OtmloklPJ94OmxWY_oiD6w67WvJchj8YyC9oRRQ3pjeB3P7olhpfD22N1fB6zNNnlqMQdEZ3cGKQRgQrg5bz_Sol0OYuFbms1AmQQhzEND3OQopTX2W-OTP4Y7tjd881EpiTL4ej_D3tV9aqj-wIFq4QEL2pV6WQ1ZDKYKGd_0A2">World</a></li>
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<div style="text-align: center;"><span style="font-size:8px;">POWERED BY: Altraction Av Santa Joana 3 Aveiro https://www.altraction.com</span></div>
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