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<p>Hello,<br /> My name is Mrs. Maria Rosario, and I am a credit Auditor with Sparkasse Credit here in Switzerland. For the past four months (4) I and my team of auditors has been trying to "clean the books" beacuse Sparkasse Credit, is now merging with The Secured Swiss Global Group, ( SSGG). our parent bank. </p>
<p> According to bank records, funds were deposited in your name as far back as 2008, by the Euro Millions International Lottery Board as funds that resulted from your winning in abstensia the April 2008 Edition, of Euro Million International Lottery draw. F<font face="Garamond">unds in the amount of </font><b><font face="TimesNewRomanPS-BoldMT">€880.510.00</font><font face="Garamond-Bold">. </font></b><font face="TimesNewRomanPSMT">(Eight hundred and eighty thousand, Five hundred and ten/00 cents) was therefore accredited to your name.</font></p>
<p> Repeated attempts were made by Global Lottery Governing Affilaites in an effort to contact you to no avail. We are trying for the last time, and all we have now is this e-mail, that our investigators thinks might belong to you.</p>
<p>It is very important that you contact me immediately to enable my office verify, if actually you received notifications from Global Lottery Governing Affiliates, and for you to advise us on what needs to be done, so as to evitate us returning your funds back to European Central Bank as uncliamed, and we do not want to do that.</p>
<p>We would need for you to provide the following information to enable us effectuate transfer of your funds to you.</p>
<p><strong><font size="4">Name:</font></strong></p>
<p><strong><font size="4">Address:</font></strong></p>
<p><strong><font size="4">Telephone:</font></strong></p>
<p><strong><font size="4">How you want us to transfer your funds:</font></strong></p>
<p>Thank you.</p>
<p>Maria Rosario</p>
<p>Contact e-mail: <a href="mailto:fv-compensation@gmail.com">fv-compensation@gmail.com</a> or you can contact <a href="mailto:customerservice@securedswiss.org">customerservice@securedswiss.org</a><br /></p>
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