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<P><font face="Arial">As a gift from Madison Avenue College and the
Marketing Results Group to you, we would like to offer you a complimentary
invitation to attend an on-line class on "Maximizing the Advertising
Campaign. "</font></P>
<P><font face="Arial">Learn the ART of the Campaign and how to win
in marketing your business and the business you serve. </font><br>
<P><FONT face=Arial>Please join me this Friday, September 16th for
a training session from 9:00 AM PDT - 10:00 AM PDT (United States).
Use the following information to access the Web Seminar from the
Marketing Results Group:<br>
<b>Step 1:</b>Phone Number: <font color=blue>(308) 377-8200</font><br>
Access code: <font color=blue>794824#</font><br>
<b>Step 2:</b>Webinar address: <a href="http://www.marketingresultsgroup.com/webinar.asp">Click
Participant Code: <font color=red>245699 </font><BR>
David Fritsche<BR>
Senior Partner, Marketing Results Group<BR>
Trustee, Madison Avenue College</FONT></P>
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<br><br><br>Click <a href="http://mrs.marketingresultsgroup.com/unsubscribe.asp?id=71410978&address=chlug@lists.linux.org.au">here</a> to unsubscribe from this newsletter