[Chlug] *****SPAM***** ADV: Harvest lots of Target Email addresses quickly,/
targetemailextractor at btamail.net.cn
targetemailextractor at btamail.net.cn
Sun Jun 2 01:30:05 UTC 2002
SPAM: -------------------- Start SpamAssassin results ----------------------
SPAM: This mail is probably spam. The original message has been altered
SPAM: so you can recognise or block similar unwanted mail in future.
SPAM: See http://spamassassin.org/tag/ for more details.
SPAM: Content analysis details: (27.5 hits, 5 required)
SPAM: Hit! (4.6 points) From an address @btamail.net.cn
SPAM: Hit! (1.7 points) Subject: contains advertising tag
SPAM: Hit! (0.6 points) From: does not include a real name
SPAM: Hit! (2.0 points) BODY: Talks about email marketing
SPAM: Hit! (-0.4 points) BODY: "if you do not wish to receive any more"
SPAM: Hit! (3.9 points) BODY: Claims auto-email removal
SPAM: Hit! (2.6 points) BODY: Claims to be legitimate email
SPAM: Hit! (0.4 points) BODY: Tells you how to stop further SPAM
SPAM: Hit! (2.1 points) BODY: FONT Size +2 and up or 3 and up
SPAM: Hit! (3.5 points) BODY: Link to a URL containing "remove"
SPAM: Hit! (2.0 points) BODY: URL of CGI script called "remove"
SPAM: Hit! (4.5 points) HTML-only mail, with no text version
SPAM: -------------------- End of SpamAssassin results ---------------------
=3CBODY bgColor=3D#ffccff=3E
=3CTABLE border=3D0 cellPadding=3D0 cellSpacing=3D0 width=3D475=3E
=3CTD align=3Dmiddle vAlign=3Dtop=3E=3C=2FTD=3E=3C=2FTR=3E=3C=2FTBODY=3E=3C=2FTABLE=3E=3CBR=3E
=3CTD width=3D=225%=22=3E=3C=2FTD=3E
=3CTD bgColor=3D#b8ecff borderColor=3D#0000ff width=3D=2290%=22=3E=3CFONT color=3D#ff0000
face=3D=22Arial Black=22
size=3D6=3E =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B Want
To Harvest A Lot Of =3CFONT color=3D#0000ff=3ETarget =3C=2FFONT=3EEmail =3B =3B
Addresses In A Very Short Time=3F=3C=2FFONT=3E
=3CP=3E=3CB=3E=3CFONT face=3DArial size=3D4=3E=3C=2FFONT=3E=3CFONT color=3D#ff00ff face=3DArial
size=3D4=3E=3CFONT color=3D#0000ff=3ETarget Email Extractor =3C=2FFONT=3Eis =3B a =3B
powerful =3B Email =3B Software that =3B harvests Target Email
Addresses from search engines=2C any specified starting URLs =2C including cgi
=2C asp pages etc=2E=3C=2FFONT=3E=3C=2FB=3E=3C=2FP=3E
=3CP=3E=3CFONT color=3D#000000 face=3D=CB=CE=CC=E5 size=3D2=3E =3B It Quickly and automatically
search and spider from search engine=2C any specified starting URLs to find
and extract e-mail addresses=3CBR=3E=3C=2FP=3E
=3CLI=3EPowerful targeting ability=2E Only extract the specific email addresses
that directly related to your business=2E=3CBR=3E
=3CLI=3EIntegrated with 18 top popular search engines=3A Yahoo=2C Google=2C MSN=2C
=3CLI=3EFast Search Ability=2E Nearly can find thousands of e-mail addresses in
an hour=2C allowing up to 500 simultaneous search threads!=3CBR=3E
=3CLI=3EHelpful for anyone for internet Email marketing purposes=2E=3CBR=3E
=3CLI=3EFree version updates=2E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3C=2FFONT=3E=3CFONT color=3D#ff0000 face=3DArial
size=3D4=3E=3CI=3E=3CSTRONG=3EClick The Following Link To Download This
=3CP=3E=3CB=3E=3CFONT color=3D#ff0000 face=3DArial size=3D4=3E=3CA
href=3D=22http=3A=2F=2Fwww=2Ewldinfo=2Ecom=2Fdownload=2Femail=2FESE=2Ezip=22=3EDownload Site
=3CP=3E=3CB=3E=3CFONT color=3D#ff0000 face=3DArial size=3D4=3E=3CA
href=3D=22http=3A=2F=2Fbestsoft=2E3322=2Eorg=2Fonlinedown=2FESE=2Ezip=22=3EDownload Site
2=3C=2FA=3E =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B =3B
=3C=2FFONT=3E=3C=2FB=3E=A1=A1=3CFONT size=3D2=3E=3CFONT color=3D#0000a0 face=3DArial
size=3D3=3E=3CSTRONG=3EIf =3B you can not download this program =2C =3B please
copy the following link into your URL =2C and then click =22 Enter=22 on your
Computer Keyboard=2E=3C=2FSTRONG=3E=3C=2FFONT=3E=3C=2FFONT=3E=3C=2FP=3E
=3CP=3E=3CFONT size=3D2=3E=3CFONT color=3D#0000a0 face=3DArial size=3D3=3E=3CSTRONG=3EHere is the
download links=3A=3C=2FSTRONG=3E=3C=2FFONT=3E=3C=2FP=3E
=3CTD width=3D=225%=22=3E=3C=2FTD=3E=3C=2FTR=3E
=3CTD width=3D=225%=22=3E=3C=2FTD=3E
=3CTD bgColor=3D#0f95de width=3D=2290%=22=3E=3CFONT color=3D#ffffff
face=3D=22Verdana=2C Tahoma=2C Helvetica=2C SansSerif=22
size=3D1=3E=3CB=3EDisclaimer=3A=3C=2FB=3E=3CBR=3EWe are strongly against continuously sending
unsolicited emails to those who do not wish to receive our special
mailings=2E We have attained the services of an independent 3rd party to
overlook list management and removal services=2E This is not unsolicited
email=2E If you do not wish to receive further mailings=2C please click this
link =3CA href=3D=22 http=3A=2F=2Fwww=2Eautoemailremoval=2Ecom=2Fcgi-bin=2Fremove=2Epl =22
=3C=2FB=3E=3C=2FFONT=3E=3C=2FA=3E=2E Auto Email Removal Company=2E Ref#
01222263545=3C=2FFONT=3E=3CB=3E=3CFONT class=3Ddisclaimer color=3D#000080
face=3DArial=3E=3CBR=3EThis message is a commercial advertisement=2E It is compliant
with all federal and state laws regarding email messages including the
California Business and Professions Code=2E We have provided the subject
line =22ADV=22 to provide you notification that this is a commercial
advertisement for persons over 18yrs old=2E=3C=2FFONT=3E=3C=2FB=3E=3C=2FTD=3E
=3CTD width=3D=225%=22=3E=3C=2FTD=3E=3C=2FTR=3E=3C=2FTBODY=3E=3C=2FTABLE=3E
=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CA href=3D=22=22=3E=3C=2FA=3E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CBR=3E=3CA
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