[Cbsupport] installing cbv distroc,..

Rohan Malhotra rohanmalhotra86 at gmail.com
Thu Aug 9 10:18:00 UTC 2007

hey there ppl,

i'm in the process of trying to get the cbv distro onto one of my pcs
referencing the printout kylie gave me (looks to be printed from 'home /
software docs/ installing the computerbank distro over a network using a
knoppix CD')

i've got to part 15, where it asks you to sort out Lilo.

firstly it helps if i can make sense of what im doing so, i'll just clarify

it says to 'first move the /boot folder on the base system (by base system
i'm assuming person means the knoppix system '/' and not the hd with
cbvdistro on it '/mnt/hda2/' by typing: 'mv /boot /boot.old'. - no problems
there it seems to work, no errors

'then make a link from the hdd to the /boot folder by typing: ln -s
/new/boot /boot
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