BEGIN:VCALENDAR PRODID:-//Google Inc//Google Calendar 70.9054//EN VERSION:2.0 CALSCALE:GREGORIAN METHOD:REQUEST BEGIN:VEVENT DTSTART:20130812T123000Z DTEND:20130812T133000Z DTSTAMP:20130812T120641Z ORGANIZER; ATTENDEE;CUTYPE=INDIVIDUAL;ROLE=REQ-PARTICIPANT;PARTSTAT=NEEDS-ACTION;RSVP= TRUE;; CREATED:20130812T120639Z DESCRIPTION:Hello Friend\,\n\nI'm sorry but happy to inform you about my su ccess in getting those funds transferred under the cooperation of a new par tner from Indian though Tried my best to involve you in the business but Go d decided the whole situations.\n\nPresently I’m in Indian for investment p rojects with my own share of the total sum. Meanwhile\, I didn't forget you r past efforts and attempts to assist me in transferring those funds despit e that it failed us some how.\n\nNow contact my secretary in Burkina Faso h is name is Mrs. Blessing his E-mail address is A sk him to send you the total of $800.000.00 (Eight Hundred Thousand Dollars Only) which I kept for your compensation for all your past efforts and att empts to assist me in this transaction.\n\nI appreciated your efforts at th at time very much. so feel free and get in touched with my secretary and do n’t forget to let me know immediately you receive it so that we can share t he joy after all the sufferers at that time.\n\nin the moment\, I’m very bu sy here because of the investment projects which I and the new partner are having at hand\, finally\, remember that I had forwarded instruction to the secretary on your behalf to receive that money\, so feel free to get in to uch with Mrs. Blessing he will send the amount to you without any delay.\n\ nRegards\,\nYour brother\,\n\nMr Adams Paul\nView your event at http://www. m8gYWR2b2NhY3lAbGlzdHMubGludXgub3JnLmF1&tok=MjQjZXJqaW8wOC4yMDA0dDFAZ21haWw uY29tZTEyZDM0MGI5MzZmMjI0ZjZiMWI4YzIzMzJlOTVhNjkxMjg4ZGIxOQ&ctz=Africa/Ouag adougou&hl=en. LAST-MODIFIED:20130812T120640Z LOCATION: SEQUENCE:0 STATUS:CONFIRMED SUMMARY:Hello Friend\, TRANSP:OPAQUE END:VEVENT END:VCALENDAR