[Advocacy] www.lists.linux.org.au

Kacey| SMM Pty Ltd kaceyjcayer3 at gmail.com
Sun Jun 28 18:26:39 AEST 2015


My name is Kacey and I am a content-writer. I stumbled on to your website  
and I thought it was very informative. If you are interested I would love  
to write a post for your website that I think your audience would really  

I have a list of content titles I can send you and if you like any of them  
I will write a blog post of about 1000 words including images and video.

Also, I have a few websites I run myself I can post a content piece you  
have written and will link it back to your website if you like.

The more high quality and relevant links we get the more Google loves us  

Please let me know if you like this post idea or if you would like me to  
write about something else and I can get started right away. Thanks!



Marcom Director

SMM Pty Ltd
Headquarters: 36 Surry Hills Sydney NSW 2010 Australia
Other Offices: Hong Kong & China | USA | New Zealand | UAE | Singapore

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