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RE: [LC++]Line by Line debug in Linux.

If you are looking for an IDE in linux (similar to Visual Studio) then
try "Ajunta" or "KDevelop" they are really good IDEs and also support
debugging. If you like the good old days, try Xemacs it is a really nice
editor and also a front-end for gdb (GnuDeBugger).

As for Cygwin, it depends upon the installation, if you have downloaded
all the packages, you will be able to run Xemacs in through XCygwin.

And a honest suggestion, if you want to migrate to linux.... get the
system running linux... and not cygwin

With Regards

Sarvex Jatasra

Software Engineer
Acme Technologies

-> -----Original Message-----
-> From: tuxcpprogramming-admin@lists.linux.org.au
-> admin@lists.linux.org.au] On Behalf Of mojtaba mahdavi
-> Sent: Saturday, October 02, 2004 12:17 PM
-> To: tuxcpprogramming@lists.linux.org.au
-> Subject: [LC++]Line by Line debug in linux.
-> Hi. All.
-> As I told before I am ( want not to be ) a windows programmer (not
-> expert).
-> There (in windows) I could debug my program line by line and watch
-> execution of my program line by line and could see variables and
-> more...
-> 1- Now how can I use same approach in Linux. ( Is there any tutorials
-> web? )
-> 2- Should I use some more option when compile my codes ??
-> Now I am using cygwin since I am in a migration cycle for my project
-> Sincerely all Linux programmers
-> mahdavi.
-> _______________________________________________
-> This is the Linux C++ Programming List
-> : http://lists.linux.org.au/listinfo/tuxcpprogramming List