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Re: [LC++]Getting started


I would say that it still all depends on what you are trying to do ( I guess knowing what is possible is the key)
Here are some links that I  find useful: "C++ Beyond the Standard Library" http://www.oreillynet.com/pub/a/network/2003/05/06/cplusplusian.html
and this page has some usefully links: http://www.thefreecountry.com/sourcecode/cpp.shtml
If you are interested in GUI development I would recommend Qt http://doc.trolltech.com/3.3/index.html it is a lot more then just a GUI API, reminds me a lot of java :) with many standard objects. Or a pure open source GUI API  http://www.wxwindows.org/
If you are interested in graphics there is the classic OpenGL, or game development SDL http://www.libsdl.org/index.php (these two are C API but you can use them from C++)

I'm also interested to see what will other members of this list  recommend.

Hope this helps,

Pavao, John C. wrote:
Getting started

Since no mailing list is really complete without the occasional idiot newbie question...  :-)

I've been lurking this list for several months because I'm trying to teach myself C++, but I certainly admit the list is out of my league. 

As for trying to learn C++, I'm only able to get so far when it comes to applying what I'm learning to real world situations because I seem to be missing something important.  I haven't figured out how to know learn what to use in a given situation.  I do a lot of UNIX shell scripting, and I'll often find myself saying, "ok, if this were a shell script, I'd use the suchandsuch command", but I don't know what to do in C++.  I haven't found a good way to learn what's in specific libraries and how to use what's there.  I've come up with a pile of simple working programs based on examples I've seen, but when I get to wanting to do something I don't see in an example, I'm stuck.  A lot of what I do in my work is working with text files and manipulating text.  A lot of awk, grep, sed, arrays and such.  Could anyone point me to where to look to learn what I need to know to do these kinds of things?

I know questions like this sometimes raise the ire of the more advanced list members on any list.  (One of my all-time favorite posts on this or any list was when someone asked why this list was so quiet and someone else responded "because we already know everything".)  It's not my intention to start a fire-fight or anything, and I'm not asking for anyone to teach me anything.  All I'm really hoping for is for someone to explain to me the best way for me to teach myself how to do this...

Thanks in advance!
John Pavao

Robert Misior
Unix Systems Administrator/Programmer
Salem Academy and College
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