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Re: [PHPwestoz] getting the last inserted id in mysql

Samuel Cochran wrote:

Evan Barter wrote:

Samuel Cochran wrote:

Mike Fewings wrote:

Unfortunately I don't know any function in MySQL that lets you retrieve the auto-increment ID of a field you just created. You normally have to do another select, which is not hard if you do this: "SELECT ID FROM Artists ORDER BY ID DESC LIMIT 1" This will give you the last created ID, which normally would be the last record you created.

This function can retreive the last insert id from the database

               select last_insert_id() as feild_id

and make this query immediately after the insert and it will return the last id that was inserted by auto increment.

Alternatively, one can use the mysql_next_id() function of PHP. Have a look: http://php.net/mysql-next-id

There's always mysql_insert_id() (http://au.php.net/manual/en/function.mysql-insert-id.php). But now I'm just being redundant. :)

That's what I meant :$

-- Sam

PHPwestoz mailing list

Another way of doing this could be:

Select max(id) from table_name

This assumes your auto_increment field is moving upward numerically (not always the case) - my experience is with Oracle where you use sequences eg:

create sequence my_seq;
insert into tablename (id,textybit) values (my_seq.nextval,'sometext'); --sequencename.nextval is a function to grab the next available value from the seq
select my_seq.currval from dual; --dual is a dummy table in oracle
