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This is the default behaviour of the kernel.
on sigfpe the kernel loops on the signal
again and again. check out the man page
for signal.

On Thu, 11 Jul 2002 madhav morje wrote :
>I'm a novice in signal field. I was trying to out a simple 
>program (which I've pasted below). When the binary was executed, 
>signal handler for SIGFPE was executed continuously even though 
>I've written a signal handler for it.
>My query is, why kernel continuously gives this signal to my 
>program Or Am I missing something in my code??
>If I reset signal handler for SIGFPE to defualt one in the signal 
>handler function, then my program gets terminated.
>#include <signal.h>
>#include <stdio.h>
>#include <unistd.h>
>void sighand(int sig)
>  printf("\nSig Recd %d", sig);
>  /*
>  ** Should signal handler be reset here for SIGFPE to default 
>here ????
>  */
>int main()
>struct sigaction act;
>int j=10,k;
>act.sa_handler = sighand;
>act.sa_flags = 0;
>sigaddset(&act.sa_mask, SIGFPE);
>(void) sigaction(SIGFPE, &act, 0);
>return 0;
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