[Linux-aus] Grant request : appMode project at Linux Tag 2012

Flame Herbohn flame at appmo.de
Wed Mar 28 02:06:05 EST 2012

Date: 27/03/2012

Project Name: appMode

Aim of Project: appMode is a modular runtime for hybrid applications
and aims to make building Mobile Apps easy.

Person Responsible for Request: Flame Herbohn


appMode has been selected as a sponsored project for Linux Tag in Berlin
this year and I intend to demonstrate the project in front of up to 12,000
visitors at the largest open-source event in Europe.

At Linux Tag I will promote the project to potential users. I hope to also
find developers interested in joining the project and potentially secure
ongoing financial sponsorship for the project.

for this purpose I require the following:

Printing of 5,000 handouts (Business card size, die cut corners, full color
double sided printing)  $275
I may also require some additional printing of posters, banners and flyers
however that is as yet undecided.

Printing of 10 T-Shirts (high quality black shirts, color printed both
sides) $390
I need 4 shirts for myself to wear and I hope to coax someone along to help
me each day and would need another 4 for them, plus 2 extra shirts to give
away. The shirts will feature the hand drawn droid logo from the appMode

Transport to/from Berlin  $500
I'm in Latvia at the moment so I'm already most of the way there, I just
need to get a little bit further.

Accommodation in Berlin  $275
I have found a cheep hotel quite close to the venue but alternative
suggestions would be welcome, and if anyone has any contacts in Berlin who
could provide free accommodation that would be even better.

Sony Xperia Arc S Android mobile phone  $460
Required to demonstrate installing and running Mobile Apps on a physical
device and for ongoing testing.
I was also considering the Sony Xperia Ray for $310 (and several other
android phones) however the Arc has a significantly larger screen and would
be much better for demonstrating on, especially for group demonstrations.

On an ongoing basis I also require a number of different mobile phones for
testing on different platforms, different screen resolutions etc. At the
moment I have only my iPhone and the Android simulator (which does not
fully simulate a real phone, especially when apps fail). The system can't
build apps for the iPhone yet due to signing key issues so it would be
extremely useful to have at least 1 physical device that I can install on.

I have sent a separate request to the Linux Aus mailing list for donations
of phones and mobile devices, hopefully I will be able to recycle some used
devices for this purpose rather than needing to buy new ones.

HP Touchsmart PC (or similar, or notebook pc) $900
I will need to demonstrate the software and the code-base. I've managed to
break my notebook after almost 5 years of dragging it around the world and
my desktop PC is not suitable for making the trip to Germany. An all in one
with a large touch screen would be great for demonstrations and not too bad
for portability, a notebook would be better for portability but not as good
for demonstrations. What I really need is a 23 inch tablet PC but I've been
unable to find one of those. I've given serious consideration to doing a
cut and shut on a laptop and a 23 inch LED monitor but I really need to
stay focused on the project at hand... maybe I'll build one for next year.
Very open to suggestions and discussion on this one (so long as the
suggestions aren't going to distract me into building a new toy when I need
to be working on other things).

I think that will probably be enough to present the project in a suitably
professional way.

I have been working full time on the project since late last year and have
worked part time on it (and its predecessors) for a number of years now.
There is already an early stage alpha version of the development studio
available online and over the next couple of months I will be working to
bring the whole project to a stable beta release.

I have put in thousands of hours of work and spent thousands of dollars of
my own money on this project so any assistance I can get would be greatly


Flame Herbohn

Project Lead, appMode

CEO, Appmo Ltd
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