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Re: [Linux-aus] Linux Australia and LUG communication: an idea

Steven Hanley wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 10, 2006 at 07:41:03PM +1000, Jonathan Oxer wrote:
>> On Tue, 2006-10-10 at 18:42 +1100, Ben wrote:
>>> An annual face-to-face meeting of LUG-executive members chaired by a
>>> member of the LA committee,
>> That's a very cool idea. Doing it out-of-band (ie: having reps from all
>> 30+ LUGs travel to a single venue and stay for no other purpose) would
>> be extremely expensive, but doing it attached to LCA as you suggest
>> could work very well. Basically something more formal than a BOF and
>> less of a production than a miniconf would be ideal.
>> Great suggestion!
> Agreed, a LUG BoF thing sort of. However the word LUG-executive is a bit
> scary (at least for CLUG, as CLUG does not exist)
> If it is somehting like a BoF that anyone interested (and it is simply
> strongly encouraged that someone from a LUG in some capcity (ie someone who
> attends said LUG) attends) can rock up to the idea is fine.
> 	See You
> 	    Steve
Indeed, no-one should be excluded!

I was thinking LUG-execs from the point-of-view of possible LA funding
to ensure that all LUGs have the opportunity to be represented, ie. To
apply for a grant for funding to attend,  the applicant ought to be
representative of a LUG (most likely a member of an exec cttee, because
they're the people who do stuff for the members and are the public face
of the LUG - in the case of a LUG w/o a ctee, I'm sure there's at least
someone that the members would see as a rep :) ) with a certain minimal
standards to prevent frivolous applications or groups which are so small
that attendance may not be fruitful on a cost/benefit analysis, however,
funding for this ought to be purely discretionary for LA - if someone
has good reason to be funded, then fund them! The more ideas the better!

The thing is that many of the small LUGs or LUGs based in low
socio-economic areas may not have members that are attending LCA, so a
LUG BOF based purely on LCA attendees may miss representation from some
of the small/low socio-economic area LUGs, but if funding was made
available for an attendee of small/low socio-economic area LUGs (with a
certain minimal standard of LUG organisation) then the idea of the exec
of such LUGs attending, improves representation and gives a better
spread of ideas.

