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Re: [Linux-aus] Western Australian Daylight savings

On 11/24/06, Glen Turner <glen.turner@aarnet.edu.au> wrote:
Andrew Donnellan wrote:

> Secondly I wonder when NIST or whoever controls tzdata will release a
> new version (which GNU has to take into glibc, distros have to
> integrate etc.)

GNU doesn't need to integrate it.  Most distros take
tzdata into a package direct from Elsie.  There are
open bugs in most distros on the pending WA change,
so perhaps giving them a heads-up when tzdata2006m

Yes, I got confused because Debian used to include tzdata with glibc.

-- Andrew Donnellan -- Email - ajdlinuxATgmailDOTcom (primary) -- Email - ajdlinuxATexemailDOTcomDOTau (secure) http://andrewdonnellan.com http://ajdlinux.wordpress.com Jabber - ajdlinux@jabber.org.au GPG - hkp://subkeys.pgp.net 0x5D4C0C58 ------------------------------- Member of Linux Australia - http://linux.org.au Debian user - http://debian.org Get free rewards - http://ezyrewards.com/?id=23484 OpenNIC user - http://www.opennic.unrated.net